Summer Institute on Contested Landscapes
RHN 13/2013 | Call
Organiser: Institute on Contested Landscapes
13-17 May 2013, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Deadline: 15 February 2013
Applications are currently being accepted for the Summer Institute on Contested Landscapes, a week-long, intensive and multi-disciplinary workshop.
The 2013 theme is property. We seek to develop and apply critical analyses of property as a set of working rules, norms, conventions and practices. What is property, who and what is eligible for ownership, and who decides? We invite applications from advanced graduate students (i.e., completing dissertations) and junior scholars (i.e., who received a Ph.D. after May 2010) in the social sciences, humanities and other relevant disciplines. Institute staff includes Cornell faculty and invited scholars.
More details about the institute and application process can be found at in the RFP. Application Deadline: Submit applications by 11:59 p.m. on February 15, 2013 to
Questions can be directed to Chuck Geisler or Raymond Craib