III Rural RePort 2013: Food Consumption and Rural Areas
RHN 21/2013 | Call
https://www.ruralhistory.eu/newsletter/2013/rhn-2013-021/@@download/image/IIIEncRuralRePort2013ANÚNCIO Kopie.jpg
Organiser: Rural RePort - Network of Rural History in Portugal
28-29 June 2013, Monastery of Tibães, Braga
Deadline: 15 April 2013
The Third RuralRePort Meeting is focused on one central theme (Food Consumption and Rural Areas) around which the sessions for the presentation of individual papers will be organized. This topic suggests a link, a biunivocal relationship that demands answers to a series of questions that will involve different aspects according to their evolution in time and space.
Click here to see the full call for papers (in Portuguese).
Source: histruralpt.wordpress.com