New Forms of Agriculture

  • 2013-03-13T13:50:00+02:00

RHN 28/2013 | Call

Organiser: Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) Département Sciences pour l’Action et le Développement Dijon, France

20-21 November 2013, Dijon, France

Deadline: 30 March 2013


New Forms of Agriculture:
Ordinary practices, public debate and social critique

Calls for a more environmentally sensitive agriculture have long been linked to larger forms of social critique, as the back-to-the-land movements of the 1960s and ‘70s testify. This conference seeks to examine the subversive dimension within discussions of agricultural practices and structures, paying particular attention to social movements that develop themes of working the land or rural life. The overarching goal is to understand, within a contemporary context characterized by a resurgence of agricultural issues within the political realm, how interrogations of agriculture and its place in society can play a major role in the construction of new forms of social critique.

Click here to download the call for papers

Contributions are welcome from all social science, humanities, and related disciplines, focusing on examples from any geographic region and from any historical or contemporary period. The conference committee will favor proposals grounded in empirical research. Conference sessions will be held in French and/or English as determined by the needs of the participants (the possibility of providing translated versions of PowerPoint presentations will be appreciated).

Paper proposals of up to 1,000 words (in French or in English) are requested by March 30. Proposals should include a title, a detailed abstract summarizing the paper’s argument, methodology and empirical basis, and a brief bibliography, as well as the name, affiliation and contact details for the author or authors. Submissions and any questions should be addressed to Laura Sayre (postdoctoral researcher, INRA-SAD, UMR Cesaer).

Committee decisions will be communicated to authors by early June. For accepted proposals, draft texts of 5000-6000 words will be requested by September 30 in order to facilitate the work of panel discussants and to expedite the preparation of an edited volume and/or special journal issue following the conference.
