First Call for Session Proposals: Seventeenth World Economic History Congress (WEHC) in Kyoto
RHN 46/2013 | Call
Organisers: The International Economic History Association (IEHA)
3-7 August 2015, Kyoto, Japan
Deadline: 1 September 2013
XXVIIth World Economic History Congress - “Diversity in Development”
The main theme of the WEHC 2015 is “Diversity in Development.” Following the Stellenbosch Congress, which highlighted the “Roots of Development”, the WEHC Kyoto will explore the historical depth of diversity in economic development on a global scale. The IEHA welcomes sessions on all topics in economic history, business history, environmental history, demographic history, social history, urban history, cultural history, gender history, methodological approaches to historical research, history of economics and economic thought, and related fields. While submission of proposals relating to Asia and the developing world is encouraged, the Kyoto Congress will aim to be a global forum for dialogue and intellectual exchange and welcome submissions on topics covering all parts of the world. Session themes with a comparative and global perspective are particularly welcome. Organisers will be given wide discretion to shape the format of sessions to be the most interesting and efficient, given the topic and the participants invited.
The format of the scientific programme of the Kyoto Congress will be organised on the same principles as the sixteenth World Economic History Congress in Stellenbosch in 2012. The 5-day Congress will have approximately 100 sessions, with each day divided into four time blocks of 90 minutes each (two before lunch and two after lunch).
There will be two Calls for Session Proposals: the deadline for the First Call is 1st September 2013. The deadline for the Second Call will be in mid-2014. The IEHA believes that this two-round procedure will allow those wishing to propose broad themes, summaries of a sub-field, or complex organisational arrangements (e.g. pre-conferences, cross-refereeing) two years to plan and organise the session. The two-round procedure will also reserve ample space on the programme for new ideas and fresh topics to be announced a year and a few months before the Congress. In this way it is hoped to strike a reasonable balance between reports on current research and new topics and sessions that require substantial time to organise and prepare.
This is the First Call for Session Proposals. From submissions received before 1st September 2013, the Executive Committee of the IEHA will select a number of proposals to be included in the programme. Given the early date of this first deadline, the Executive Committee does not expect session organisers to present a full panel of participants. Indeed organisers are encouraged to make an open call for papers once their session has been selected for the programme. However, a tentative list of participants should be available for publication on the Congress website before 31st December 2013.
A Second Call for Session Proposals will be issued in October 2013. From submissions received before the deadline of the second round, the Executive Committee of the IEHA will fill all but five of the remaining session slots. The five remaining slots will be filled by the Executive Committee with sessions on topics the committee feels should be on the programme. Organisers of sessions selected in the second round will also be encouraged to publish an open call for papers for their sessions.
There will be no distinction on the programme between sessions submitted in reply to the First or Second Call for Session Proposals. Each session organiser will be given two time blocks and no extra time blocks will be allocated. Time blocks will be consecutive on the same day unless the organisers request an alternative timing.
Procedures after Acceptance: For all sessions, a final list of participants and paper titles, a time schedule for the session, and the congress papers or abstracts must be submitted before 30th April 2015, to be uploaded on the Congress website and for publication in the Congress programme. Scholars and the general public will have access to the website and will be able to search, read, and download papers of interest in advance of the Congress.
Organisers of sessions will be asked to take on the following responsibilities:
- Communicate as requested with the Secretary General of the IEHA and the Local Organising Committee in Kyoto as the programme takes shape.
- Circulate an open call for participation and/or papers that invites broad involvement by scholars from different countries and approaches. Organisers will be asked to respect the IEHA’s desire to make the World Economic History Congress as inclusive as possible, encouraging young scholars and those from outside of Western Europe and North America.
- Plan the sessions in Kyoto to allow at least 25% of the available time (45 minutes out of two 90-minute time blocks) for informal open discussion with the audience. This may require limiting the number of papers presented at the session and/or preparing the session by organising a pre-conference.
- Ensure that all participants are able to communicate easily and effectively with each other both before the Congress and during the session. Particular attention should be given to easing the difficulty of scholarly dialogue among participants with different native languages.
- Provide or raise whatever funding may be necessary for the proposed session and associated activities before and after the Congress.
Proposals for sessions should be submitted via the online submission form, by 1st September (JPT), 2013.