New Agriculture History online resource

  • 2013-07-04T14:25:00+02:00

RHN 74/2013 | Forum

Project: "Cultivating the Revolution"

Special Collections Research Center,

North Carolina State University Libraries


Cultivating a Revolution:
Science, Technology and Change in North Carolina Agriculture, 1950-1979

The Special Collections Research Center at North Carolina State University Libraries has just completed a two year grant funded project digitized over 40,000 resources related to agriculture research done in North Carolina during the 1950s-1970s, with a particular focus on tobacco research and mechanization of harvesting of crops such as cucumbers and sweet potatoes. Please visit the project's website at to learn more about the project and access the digitized materials.

Contact: Kristen Merryman
Digital Project Librarian for "Cultivating the Revolution"
Special Collections Research Center
North Carolina State University Libraries

Source: H-Rural