Call for Papers: 2014 AHS Annual Meeting (Provo, Utah)
RHN 75/2013 | Call
Organiser: Agricultural History Society
19-22 June 2014, Provo, Utah
Deadline: 1 October 2013
Transforming Food and Fiber:
Knowledge, Culture, and
The Agricultural History Society invites paper proposals for the 2014 Annual Meeting on the theme “Transforming Food and Fiber: Knowledge, Culture, and Environment.” From hunting and gathering societies to agribusiness and global distribution systems, the production of food and fiber can be understood by examining the knowledge base, the culture, and the environment that sustain the productive mode. How food and clothing shape and reflect culture and the environment is closely related to technological and scientific developments. In order to highlight the conference location, the committee also welcomes papers that include religious history and agriculture/environment and papers that focus on water resources and agriculture. Papers not related to the conference theme are also encouraged.
Information on submission: Topics from any location and time period are welcome. The AHS encourages proposals of all types, including traditional sessions with successive papers and commentary, thematic panel discussions or debates, roundtables on recent books/films, workshops, and poster presentations. If you will need technology for presentations, please indicate this in your proposal. The program committee prefers complete session proposals, but individual papers will be considered. The AHS extends a special welcome to graduate students and has a competitive travel grant for students presenting papers.
Instructions: Session proposals should include a two-hundred-word abstract for each paper and a one-page CV for each panel member. Individual paper proposals should consist of a two-hundred-word abstract and a one-page CV. All proposals should be submitted electronically in Word. Submit all proposals to Deadline for submissions is October 1, 2013. Questions may be addressed to Connie Lester,
Program Committee Members:
Connie Lester, Chair, University of Central Florida
Jessie Embry, Brigham Young University
Stephanie Fuglaar Statz, Salt Lake City
Mark Hersey, Mississippi State University
Frank Uekötter, Birmingham, UK
Sarah Phillips, Boston University