Conference: RURALIA X - Agrarian Technology in the Medieval Landscape
RHN 101/2013 | Event
Organisers: Barbara Zajacová; Marek Vojteček
9-15 September 2013, Smolenice Castle, Slovakia
Jean-Marie Pesez Conference on Medieval Rural Archaeology:
"Agrarian technology in the medieval landscape / Agrartechnologien / Technologies agraires"
Ruralia is an international association for the archaeology of medieval settlement and rural life. It provides a colloquium of current problems in rural archaeology from most participating European countries to strengthen the exchange of knowledge in, and the development of, archaeologically comparable studies, and to make archaeological results available to other disciplines. The time-range of Ruralia covers the period from ca. 500-1700 AD. The key activity of the RURALIA association is a conference held every two years in one of the participating countries. The conference languages are English, French and German. The 2013 conference theme, Agrarian Technology in the Medieval Landscape, will focus attention on an aspect of rural landscape studies that is too often neglected. The conference will present the regional diversity of agricultural activities in the European Middle Ages. Papers will present and examine the agrarian cycle in different European regions, mainly on the basis of archaeology, but also using iconography, documentary evidence, archaeo-environmental approaches, etc. A poster section is included.
The main body of the conference will concentrate on agrarian technologies in the medieval landscape as seen in different European countries, and papers that consider technology as process are particularly encouraged. Landscape analysis has become a dominant theme in modern research and it is an appropriate moment to consider the underlying technologies that facilitated agrarian development throughout the period. Change results from bottom-up as well as top-down processes, and while the technologies of production have been seen as key determinants of change, this remains a wide subject area for new insight and critical analysis. It is hoped that the conference will highlight a basis upon which fresh directions are being pursued to reveal the importance of the topic to current and future research.