Call for Papers: Resources of Resistance - Production, Consumption, Transformation
RHN 13/2014 | Call
Organisers: Hannah Boast, Rebekah Cumpsty, Nicola Robinson and Lucy Potter
24-25 July 2014, University of York, UK
Deadline: 1 March 2014
Resources of Resistance: Production, Consumption, Transformation
The Biennial Postcolonial Studies Association (PSA) Postgraduate Conference
It seeks to address urgent questions surrounding the concept and roles of resources within the postcolonial world and capitalist world-system by drawing new, vital and provocative connections across a range of disciplines.
We welcome contributions from postgraduate researchers and early career scholars – as well as creative writers, artists and photographers – working in or across various disciplines and academic fields, including but not restricted to: Animal Studies, Anthropology, Biotechnology, Cultural Studies, Film and Television, Food Studies, Ecology/Environment Studies, Geography, History, History of Art, International Relations/Development, Literature, Politics, Science and Technology Studies, and Sociology.
Please submit abstracts of no more than 300 words for 20 minute papers along with a short biography (200 words max.) to worldresources2014 [at] gmail [dot] com by 1 March 2014.
Topics for papers, panels, presentations and workshops may be based on, but are not limited to, the following themes:
Sustainability and crisis: scarcity, depletion, exhaustion and rehabilitation; recycling and waste; food and hydropolitics; biofuels and biotechnologies; eco-disaster and resource-based conflict.
Literary and cultural representations and responses: literatures of resistance; popular, indigenous and international activisms; trade union and labour movements; contestations of ownership, access and use; forms of collectivity, belonging, and identity politics; urban and rural spaces and livelihoods.
Production, distribution and consumption in a globalised world: changing agricultural practices; local/global networks; ‘free trade’; financialisation and world markets; corporate and state capital; consumer activism and green politics.
Theoretical approaches and methodological debates: postcolonial studies and ecocriticism; world-systems, world-ecology, world-literary analyses; critical animal and food studies; cultural geography; political economy; neo-Marxism; new materialism.
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Source: H-Net