Conference: Les "petites gens" de la terre
RHN 69/2014 | Event d’écran 2014-06-16 à 12.03.52.png
Organisers: Blandine Parey, Jean-Marc Moriceau, Philippe Madeline, Université de Caen Basse-Normandie
8-10 October 2014, MRSH, Caen, France
20th Anniversary of
AHSR, Histoire & Sociétés Rurales and Pôle Rural
International conference
The «common people» of the land:
peasants, laborers and servants from the Neolithic to 2014 /
Les "petites gens" de la terre:
paysans, ouvriers et domestiques du Néolithique à 2014
Social insecurity has always been a topic in human evolution. The poverty of the lower sort, or even of those at the margins of society, is constantly debated. It is frequently mentioned in connection with rural societies, which long remained the place of residence for most of the members of these vulnerable groups, and are still hosting a large number of them. But these are usually passing references. The focus has remained on more favoured groups, while the «common people of the land», a group including, unevenly, small farmers, agricultural workers and plain farm servants are far from being known with the same degree of precision, and indeed far from attracting the same level of interest. From the Neolithic to 2014, though, they were the ones who carried out with their labour the development of our economies.
Registration form
Source: Pôle Rural