Call for Panels: Old and New Worlds - the Global Challenges of Rural History

  • 2014-08-04T07:35:00+02:00

RHN 84/2014 | Call

Organisers: ISCTE-IUL – University Institute of Lisbon (host institution); Rural RePort – Rede de História Rural em Português; SEHA – Sociedad Española de Historia Agraria

28-30 January 2016, Lisbon, Portugal

Deadline extended until 25 November 2014


International Conference
Old and New Worlds: 
The Global Challenges of Rural History

In the course of recent years, Rural History (broadly defined) has begun to move away from both its predominantly national or local focus and its interpretation bias towards Europe and the Western world. This is a very healthy shift, which we mean to uphold by choosing the relations between old and new worlds as the core subject for this Conference.

Such relations between civilisations and cultures across the globe have had multiple effects over the last 500 years on agriculture, property, natural resources and rural societies. They brought about the circulation of people, plants, animals and diseases; transfers of techniques, knowledge, institutions and juridical norms; changes in diet habits, land uses and landscapes; extensive appropriation and expropriation of landholding, land use and property rights; and changes in produce and factor markets (land, capital, labour) at a global scale.

The growing keenness to research these global dynamics also drives some of the major theoretical, methodological and historiographical challenges now facing rural history. On the one hand, because such studies call for a wider dialogue among historians of several continents. On the other, because it tends to widen rural history from a specific disciplinary area into a broad research field, on which converge the interests of several other disciplines: from environmental to cultural history, from social to legal history, from economic history to the history of science, among others.

The concern to open up and globalise research in rural history, in both the historical and the historiographical senses, draws the guideline for this international conference, which simultaneously harbours the VI Encontro Rural RePort and the XV Congreso de Historia Agraria de la SEHA, to be held in Lisbon, Portugal, hosted by ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon, on the 28th, 29th and 30th of January, 2016.

The conference is open to scholars of all nationalities, in all disciplinary areas and dealing with all historical periods. There will be three working languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish.

The Call for Panels is now open.

Organising Committee:

  • José Vicente Serrão (chairman), ISCTE-IUL
  • Dulce Freire, Universidade de Lisboa
  • Lourenzo Fernández Prieto, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
  • Rui Santos, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

