1st Conference of the European Labour History Network - Turin 2015

  • 2015-10-19T09:21:44+02:00

RHN 98/2015 | Event

Organiser: Italian Society of Labour History (SISLav)

14-16 December 2015, University of Turin, Italy


1st Conference of the European Labour History Network (ELHN)

The first Conference of the European Labour History Network (ELHN) will take place in Turin from 14-16 December 2015 at the University of Turin.

The conference will be organized by the Italian Society of Labour History (SISLav), in collaboration with the ISMEL partner Polo Novecento – Turin, the International Institute of Social History in Amsterdam (IISH), the International Conference Labour and Social History in Vienna (ITH) and the financial support of the Compagnia di San Paolo and the University of Turin.

The ELHN was founded in October 2013 in Amsterdam as a network of labour historians in order to bring together scholars with different institutional backgrounds (institutes, associations, archives, journals, study groups, individual researchers, etc.) and serve as an umbrella organization for smaller working groups with specific topics and tasks.

In accordance with the decisions of the foundation meeting of the ELHN, the first conference of the network will be structured differently to other comparable scholarly conferences and will also provide the possibility to gather colleagues from all over Europe in order to work on specific common projects concerning European Labour History. Therefore, the main part of the conference will be dedicated to ELHN Working Groups that will themselves decide on their specific agenda during the conference. The individual working groups will be responsible for drafting their own agenda during the conference.

The provisional program is available here.

These sessions might be of particular interest for rural historians:


Please, read carefully how to participate.

Congress email: elhn2015(at)gmail.com
Source: storialavoro.it