Call for Papers: 3rd International Conference in Economic and Social History – Labour History

  • 2016-09-18T06:58:49+02:00

RHN 75/2016 | Call

Organisers: Greek Economic History Association and University of Ioannina, Faculty of History and Archaeology
24–27 May 2017, University of Ioannina, Ioannina, Greece
Deadline for proposals: 15 October 2016


Labour History: production, markets, relations, policies
(from the late Middle ages to the early 21st century)

The Greek Economic History Association in cooperation with the Faculty of History and Archaeology of the University of Ioannina, organize the 3rd International Conference in Economic and Social History with the theme “Labour History: production, markets, relations, policies (from the late Middle Ages to the early 21st century)”. The conference will be held at Ioannina, from the 24th to 27th May 2017.

The conference aspires to examine the diverse and historically changing types of labour in different geographical areas and state forms, from the Middle Ages to the present day. The perceptions and redefinitions of labour across different systems of Political Economy is another issue we hope to address at the conference.

Even though there is no strict geographical limitation, the aim of the conference is to bring to the foreground relevant research carried out for the Mediterranean and the Balkans. Comparative approaches at a national, regional or international level on history, historiography, the theory of labour relations and the history of political economy are welcomed. The scientific committee also welcomes approaches that explore the role of gender, age, ethnicity, race and family in the historical formation of the division of labour, labour relations, labour markets, labour policies and workers’ experiences. The conference revolves around four thematic axes:

1. Labour in production: How did the conditions of production evolve historically in different sectors? The division of labour and wages: how are wages decided? Which are the different forms and systems of payment (e.g. subcontracting, piecework)? How technological change affects labour and professional specialization and skills in agriculture, crafts and industry, in shipping and transport, in trade and the service sector?

2. Labour markets: The historical formation of labour markets at a local, national, regional and international level. The organization and development of migrant flows in response to labour markets.

3. Labour relations: The formation and historical evolution of the regime (institutional, social, ideological) that regulates working conditions. What are the different types and relations of labour historically and how were they expressed (e.g. paid, unpaid, domestic, forced, free, unfree, informal)? What are the new forms of labour (“flexible”, “precarious”) that tend to become dominant today and how have they occurred historically? How are labour relations established in agriculture, manufacture and the service sector?

4. Labour policies: The state regulatory framework and employer policies for labour. Which are the public and private policies on labour and social protection and how do they change over time? Which factors influence ideas and claims about working conditions in different eras?

Proposals for sessions (comprised of three to four applications accompanied with their abstracts, up to 400 words each) or individual applications (with an abstract of 400 words) should be emailed to until 15 October 2016.

The organizers hope to cover part of the accommodation expenses for the participants.
The scientific committee will engage in the publication of the papers.
Conference Languages: Greek, English
Conference fees: student fee: 10 euros, full fee: 20 euros

Deadlines for proposals:
Deadline for applications and summaries (individual papers and sessions): 15 October 2016
Announcement of approved applications: 15 November 2016
Deadline for the submission of papers: 30 April 2017
Conference dates: 24-27 May 2017
