Call for Papers: Changing Social Connections in Time and Space (SSHA Montréal 2017)
RHN 32/2017 | Call
42nd Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association
2-5 November 2017, Montréal, Québec, Canada
Deadline for submissions: 3 March 2017
Call for Papers and Panels
Rural, Agricultural and Environmental Network
42nd Annual Meeting of the Social Science History Association
“Changing Social Connections in Time and Space”
The Rural, Agricultural and Environmental Network of the Social Science History Association calls for papers for the 2017 Social Science History Association conference. The conference will be held in Montréal, Canada, November 2-5. The conference theme is “Changing Social Connections in Time and Space”.
All researchers connected to the main theme of the network, rural, agricultural and environmental history, are most welcome to submit panels or individual papers. Additionally, at last year’s well-attended network meeting, several proposals for new panels came up. We therefore particularly welcome papers addressing the following themes:
- Renewable but not sustainable? – on renewable primary industries
- European environmental history using HGIS
- Between declension and nostalgia in extractive industries
- Rural experiences of Modernization
- Rural-urban social connections with special focus on trade and market integration of the rural society
We also welcome proposals for book sessions featuring new publications in any field relevant to rural studies as well as proposals for round tables.
To facilitate discussion to build panels, we have created a Google doc and will share it with you all. (Thanks to the WGS network for the idea!) Please post ideas and requests for participation there. Please feel free to email us with any questions, or with your ideas if you don’t have and don’t want a Google account.
SSHA draws submissions of papers and panels through networks organized by topic or field. The Rural, Agricultural and Environmental network representatives are:
Susan Leonard, University of Michigan, USA:
Patrick Svensson, Lund University, Sweden:
We invite submissions of papers or (preferably) full panels by March 3, 2017. We are also interested to hear from people who are willing to volunteer to be chairs or discussants. For more information including the conference-wide call for papers, and the other networks please see the SSHA website at
Paper and session proposals must be submitted online at Please provide an abstract, title and contact information. You should identify RAE network as the primary network in order for the network organizers to handle your submission but you may also indicate related networks for possible joint sessions. While you are at the submission website, please update your profile. It is particularly important that your email address is current. Otherwise, you will miss all notifications from SSHA.
We look forward to reading your interesting panel and paper proposals.
Best regards,
Susan Leonard
Patrick Svensson
RAE Network Representatives