Call for Papers: ESSHC 2018 Panel - Crime and Criminal Justice in Rural Europe (16th–20th centuries)
RHN 71/2017 | Call
Organiser: Dieter Bruneel, Ghent University, Belgium
4-7 April 2018, Belfast, N-Ireland
Deadline for proposals: 29 April 2017
Call for Papers:
Crime and Criminal Justice Network Panel at the ESSHC 2018 in Belfast
Crime and Criminal Justice in Rural Europe (16th–20thcenturies)
The aim of the panel is to analyse aspects of crime, policing, justice and punishment in rural Europe during the early modern and modern period. The session wants to respond, following pioneering studies in the History of Crime and Criminal Justice, the urban bias in most of the recent studies in the field. Therefore, our main criterion is that the paper proposals have to examine the functioning of criminal justice in a rural European setting, analysing various types and aspects of criminality and criminal justice institutions. In doing so, we want to enhance the dialogue between Crime and Criminal Justice History and Rural History.
Possible topics could be:
- the role of criminal justice institutions in the management of natural resources (e.g. woodland or water management)
- the relation between criminal law and customary practices
- actors involved in the policing of rural populations
- the place of criminality in the survival strategies of various social groups within the rural populations (e.g. vagrancy, theft, smuggling etc.)
Proposals (max. 500 words) can be sent to the session organiser Dieter Bruneel (Ghent University, e-mail: before Saturday 29th April 2017.
Closing date for panel submissions via the ESSHC website is 1 May 2017.
ESSHC 2018 Website: