Call for Papers: SEHA/RuralRePort Conference 2018 Session - From the Agrarian Issue to the Livestock Issue
RHN 134/2017 | Call
Organisers: Diego Conde Gómez, Miguel Angel Vives Vallés, Cinta Mañe Seró and Jose Antonio Mendizabal Aizpuru
20-23 June 2018, Santiago de Compostela
Deadline for paper proposals: 30 September 2017
Call for Papers for Session S154 at the
Second International Conference
Transiciones en la Agricultura y la Sociedad Rural. Los Desafíos Globales de la Historia Rural /
Transicões na agricultura e na sociedade rural. Os desafios globais da história rural /
Transitions in Agriculture and Rural Societies. Global Challenges in Rural History
XVI Congreso de Historia Agraria-SEHA & VII Encontro RuralRePort
Santiago de Compostela, 20-23 June 2018
From the Agrarian Issue to the Livestock Issue. Transitions and Productive Changes from Livestock Improvement
It is intended to establish what were the determinants of the changes carried out in the processes of livestock specialization to the detriment of agriculture, so that the motivations and consequences of these transitions can be analysed. Considering different aspects such as cultural, commercial and scientific exchange that led to different historical events and socioeconomic needs, the central objective of this session is to evaluate and analyse how these influenced the conformation and productive specialization of different breeds of animals, emphasizing the importance of the livestock issue in the transformation of rural areas.
Thus, investigations that review the impact of zootechnical and health changes of livestock, derived from colonization and expansion to new territories (Romanization, European expansion and colonialism, ...) or those due to socioeconomic aspects (Industrial Revolution, Green Revolution, Fascism, ... ), will serve to highlight how these transitions were carried out in the rural environment, what was the participation in these changes of the breeders and the innovation networks, and how these transformations helped to shape the current productive species. Studies about livestock specialisation in Atlantic Europe, Frisian breed import in different countries, the impact of American exports as a promoter in this process, social and environmental changes and impacts resulting from these transformations, will focus the discussion lines.
This session is open to the participation of all researchers who want to send us their proposals and wish to share their experiences in a multidisciplinary forum where the vision can come from other fields such as Veterinary, Agronomy, Social Sciences, etc. To give a new approach, without temporal or space limitations, that help us to understand these processes in a framework of reflection and debate that allows us to incorporate in the historiographic debate the importance of changes in livestock within the set of transformations of the rural world.
From now on the period for the submission of paper proposals is open. Proposals must be submitted through the online form available at ConfTool transruralhistory 2018by 30 September 2017. You can also forward your proposal to our mail addresses.
Maximum extension of proposals (abstracts) is 200 words. Please, do not forget to indicate in which of the sessions of the Congress you want to participate (S154). The decision on the accepted proposals will be made public by 31 October 2017.
At this stage, you do not need to enter the full paper. This will be required only after the paper’s proposal is approved, and you will be enabled to submit that file within a new period (until March 2018).
If you have any questions, please write to any of the organisers for this session. Thank you for sharing this call to communications with whom you think may be interested.
Session Chairs:
Diego Conde Gómez;
Miguel Angel Vives Vallés;
Cinta Mañe Seró;
Jose Antonio Mendizabal Aizpuru;
The Call for Papers (for this and all other sessions of the conference) is open until 30 September 2017, for further information please visit: