Call for Papers: Collaboration of the journals Historia Agraria and Sustainability – Transitions in Agriculture and Rural Society

  • 2018-06-01T09:20:27+02:00

RHN 80/2018 | Call

Sustainability Special Issue: Selected papers from the 2nd International Conference on Transitions in Agriculture and Rural Society. The Global Challenges of Rural History

Special Issue Editors: Lourenzo Fernández Prieto, Manuel González de Molina and José Vicente Serrâo

Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 October 2018


Colaboración de las revistas Historia Agraria y Sustainability
con el XVI Congreso de la Sociedad de Estudios de Historia Agraria – VII Encontro Rural Report:
Transiciones en la agricultura y la sociedad rural. Los desafíos globales de la historia rural /

Collaboration of the journals Historia Agraria and Sustainability
on occasion of the XVI Conference of the Sociedad de Estudios de Historia Agraria – VII Rural RePort Meeting:
Transitions in Agriculture and Rural Society. The Global Challenges of Rural History


Con ocasión de la próxima celebración en Santiago de Compostela (20 – 23 de junio 2018) del XVI Congreso de la Sociedad de Estudios de Historia Agraria (SEHA) – VII Encontro Rural Report:Transiciones en la agricultura y la sociedad rural. Los desafíos globales de la historia rural, Historia Agraria, revista de la SEHA, quiere invitar a las participantes en el Congreso a enviar a nuestra revista, con posterioridad a los debates mantenidos durante el mismo, propuestas de artículos y de números monográficos (dossiers).

Historia Agraria aprovecha la ocasión para desearos a todas las participantes y asistentes un Congreso estimulante y una feliz estancia en Santiago.


On occasion of the International Conference: Transitions in Agriculture and Rural Society. The Global Challenges of Rural History, XVI Conference of the Sociedad de Estudios de Historia Agraria (SEHA) – VII Rural RePort Meeting (Santiago de Compostela, June 20th to 23th 2018), Historia Agraria, SEHA’s journal, invites participants of the Conference to send articles and special issues proposals after the discussions held on the Conference.

Historia Agraria would like to wish all the participants and persons attending the event a stimulating Conference and a happy stay in Santiago de Compostela.


Dear Colleagues,

This Sustainability special issue comprises selected papers from the Second International Conference on Transitions in Agriculture and Rural Society. The Global Challenges of Rural History

Rural History is going beyond the mostly national or state analytical framework which characterized it, as well as the perspectives and interpretations too focused on Europe and the Western World. After the success of the First International Conference (Lisbon 2016), the SEHA and RuralRePort retake the global challenges in Rural History research by jointly organizing a new conference in Santiago de Compostela (Galiza), which will take place between the 20th and the 23rd of June 2018.

For this Second Conference Transitions in Agriculture and Rural Society has been chosen as the key subject. On this axis we try to give continuity to the approach of a transnational and transcontinental Rural History, as well as making a contribution to the challenge of creating a global space of debate on Rural History. We aim at articulating an open space which by overcoming disciplinary, chronological and spatial borders succeeds in housing the new challenges and answers being defined in recent times from the point of view of Rural History.

Lourenzo Fernandez Prieto, Guest Editor



  • Sustainability
  • Sustainable development
  • Food history
  • Commons
  • Environmental history


Guest Editors

Prof. Dr. Lourenzo Fernández Prieto
Affiliation: University of Santiago de Compostela
Spanish Civil War, Agrarian History and Contemporary History

Prof. Dr. Manuel González de Molina
Affiliation: President of the SEHA, Sociedad de Estudios de Historia Agraria / University Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain
Agrarian History, Environmental History and Agroecology

Prof. Dr. José Vicente Serrâo
Affiliation: Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Agrarian History, Early Modern History


More information on this special issue:

You may refer to the following special issue as an example:


Santiago Conference Website: