Historia Agraria 77 (April 2019)

  • 2019-03-12T16:18:08+01:00

RHN 39/2019 | Publication

Historia Agraria 77 (April 2019)


Table of Contents:

Estudios monográficos / Special issue:
Firewood consumption in the transition to industrial economies in both sides of the Atlantic

Firewood consumption and energy transition: a survey of sources, methods and explanations in Europe and North America
Paul Warde

Continuity, change, and geographical differences in Spain’s firewood consumption: a new estimation (1860-2010)
Iñaki Iriarte-Goñi, Juan Infante-Amate

The transformation of the organic energy system: the Swedish perspective
Magnus Lindmark, Fredrik Olsson-Spjut

Fuelwood use patterns in Rural Mexico: a critique to the conventional energy transition model
Montserrat Serrano-Medrano, Adrian Ghilardi, Omar Masera


“Flagging the Lines”: Basque immigrant sheepherders and the early US Forest Administration in Nevada, 1890-1920
Iker Saitua

La repoblación forestal en España: las especies utilizadas desde 1877 a partir de las cartografías forestales
Enric Vadell Guiral, Sergio de Miguel Magaña, Jesús Pemán García

El microcrédito antes de las cooperativas: pósitos y crédito público agrario en España en vísperas de la Gran Guerra
Juan Carmona, James Simpson


Abstracts and Full Texts (in Spanish and/or English): www.historiaagraria.com