Call for Papers: Historical Ecology for the Future

  • 2019-12-02T14:03:47+01:00

RHN 138/2019 | Call

Organisers: Silva Research Unit (AgroParisTech, Inra, Université de Lorraine) and the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Continental Environments (CNRS-Université de Lorraine)

25–29 May 2020, Amphithéâtre “Demange”, UFR Sciences Humaines et Sociales, “Île du Saulcy”, 57 006 Metz, France

Deadline for abstract submissions: 29 February 2020


International conference
Historical Ecology for the Future

The current and future states of ecosystems are strongly related to past processes. Historical socio-economic development of human societies, resulting land use, and changes in climate have all had lingering consequences that still affect the structure, composition, and functioning of today’s ecosystems at various spatiotemporal scales. These historical legacies, both natural and anthropogenic, are thus shaping future ecological trajectories.

An increasing amount of research has been dedicated to deciphering the impacts of past ecological processes on modern-day ecosystems. This has fostered rapid improvement of management practices for the future. Exciting new insights from historical ecology now appear paramount in order to mitigate potential deleterious consequences of socio-environmental challenges to ongoing and future states of the ecosystems.

Historical Ecology for the Future meeting aims at promoting historical ecology and highlighting its recent advances and key results. Geographers, biologists, historians, social scientists, economists, archaeologists, ecologists, paleoecologists, managers, and soil scientists, among others dealing with historical ecology issues, are welcome to join the conference to share and discuss their questions, data, and results.

Call for Papers

The organization committee of the HEF2020 invites abstract submissions for oral and / or poster to the four sessions of the conference:

  1. Historical heritage and conservation management
  2. Environmental resource exploitation
  3. Ecological dynamics
  4. Methods and tools in historical ecology

Oral communication: 15 minutes including 5 minutes for discussion

Poster must be on A0 size on portrait orientation.

See more about the sessions here:

Abstract submission:

Conference registration:

Further information on registration options, social events:, and excursions:

Deadline for registration/abstract submission is the 29 February 2020.

HEF 2020 is organized by Silva Research Unit (AgroParisTech, Inra, Université de Lorraine) and the Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Continental Environments (CNRS-Université de Lorraine) and their labs experts in the Historical Ecology domain.

Colloque chairman: Vincent Robin, Interdisciplinary Laboratory for Continental Environments (LIEC - CNRS/UL)

Organising Committee:
Maxime Burst (SILVA-APT/INRA/UL), Sandrine Chauchard (SILVA-APT/INRA/UL), Jean-Luc Dupouey (SILVA-APT/INRA/UL), Thomas Feiss (SILVA-APT/INRA/UL), Sarah-Louise Filleux (INRA), Vincent Robin (LIEC - CNRS/UL), Claudia Oliveira (LIEC - CNRS/UL), Catherine Pierson (LIEC - CNRS/UL)   

Contact information:


Twitter: @HEF_2020

