Historia Agraria de América Latina 1, 1 (2020)
RHN 52/2020 | Publication
RHN 52/2020 | Publication
First Issue of Historia Agraria de América Latina (HAAL) Now Available
Historia Agraria de América Latina (HAAL) is a peer reviewed, academic journal of the Centro de Estudios de Historia Agraria de América Latina (CEHAL), an autonomous institution established in Santiago, Chile in 2017. HAAL aims to promote and disseminate research and interdisciplinary debate on the history of the rural societies of Latin America and the Caribbean. The journal publishes articles and book reviews in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Call for Papers for the second issue (deadline for submission: 5 July 2020): https://www.haal.cl/index.php/haal/convocatoria
For inquiries please write to:
Claudio Robles-Ortiz, Universidad de Santiago de Chile: claudio.robles@usach.cl
Anna Cant, London School of Economics & Political Science: a.cant1@lse.ac.uk
Website: https://www.haal.cl
Historia Agraria de América Latina (HAAL), 1:1 (April 2020)
Table of Contents:
Land and Labor Relations in Guatemala’s 1952 Agrarian Reform: Rethinking Rural Identities
Sarah Foss
La revolución en Huando: una batalla por la reforma agraria peruana (1969–1973)
Fabio Cabrera
La maquinaria agrícola en la agricultura de la región pampeana argentina. Patrones de tenencia y distribución en las provincias de Buenos Aires y Santa Fe (1881–1895)
María Fernanda Barcos & Juan Luis Martirén
International and Local Collaboration in the Social Design of the Harvester in Argentina during the Long Twentieth Century (1900–2010)
Yovanna Pineda
O 'índio' sob o olhar do Império: política indigenista, modernização e conflito no Brasil do século XIX (1860–1889)
Marcio A. Both da Silva
“Useful citizens for the working nation:” Mapuche Children, Catholic Mission Schools, and Methods of Assimilation in Rural Araucanía, Chile (1896-1915)
Romina Green
View the full table of contents, abstracts, and full texts here: https://www.haal.cl/index.php/haal/issue/view/1