Jahrbuch für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes/Rural History Yearbook 16 (2019)

  • 2020-05-15T09:21:10+02:00

RHN 53/2020 | Publication

Jahrbuch für Geschichte des ländlichen Raumes/Rural History Yearbook 16 (2019): Farming the City. The Resilience and Decline of Urban Agriculture in European History/Resilienz und Niedergang der städtischen Landwirtschaft in der europäischen Geschichte

Editors: Erich Landsteiner and Tim Soens


Table of Contents:

Special Issue: Farming the City

Editorial: Farming the City
Erich Landsteiner/Tim Soens

Urban Agriculture and Urban Food Provisioning in Pre-1850 Europe: Towards a Research Agenda
Tim Soens

Two Experiences of Urban Agriculture in Medieval Piedmont. A Comparison of Chieri and Novara (Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries)
Roberto Leggero/Mirella Montanari

“… a great hurt to many, and of advantage to very few“. Urban Common Lands, Civic Government, and the Problem of Resource Management in English Towns, 1500–1840
Henry R. French

The Longue Durée in Polish Towns: Agriculture from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century
Piotr Miodunka

From Home Food Production to Professional Farming. The Social and Geographical Continuum of Urban Agriculture: Nineteenth-century Oudenaarde and Kortrijk, Belgium
Pieter De Graef/Wouter Ronsijn

Between Village, Utopian Settlement, and Garden City: Urban Agriculture in the Company Housing Project of Eisenheim (Founded in 1844) in Historical Context
Ines Peper

Fields, Meadows, and Gardens – an Integral Part of the City. The Example of Södermalm in Stockholm, Sweden
Åsa Ahrland

Urban Viticulture in Late Medieval and Early Modern Central Europe
Erich Landsteiner

Landwirtschaft beiderseits der Stadtmauern. Konstantinopels Versorgung mit Gemüse aufgrund der Geoponika
Johannes Koder


Reconciling Tradition and Innovation in Traditional Mountain Cheese Value Chains: The Role of Social Capital. The Case of the Artisanal Serrano Cheese Value Chain in Southern Brazil
Carine Pachoud/Markus Schermer

Orders and review copies: StudienVerlag

Website: http://www.ruralhistory.at/de/publikationen/jglr


Source: https://www.ruralhistory.at/de/publikationen/jglr/jglr-2019