Animal History Online Conference: Borders and Boundaries
RHN 65/2020 | Event
Organisers: Animal History Group, UK
19 June 2020, 13.30-20.00 BST
Registration deadline: 12 June 2020
Animal History Online Conference: Borders and Boundaries
Provisional programme
13.30 – 15.00: Panel One: Pre-modern histories
Camel-centric relationships between nomadic and sedentary peoples in Roman Syria and Arabia
Josef Bloomfield, Prospective DPhil student, Oxford, Autumn 2020
Beehives on the Border of Humanity: The Monks of Skellig Michael
Corey Wrenn, Lecturer in Sociology, University of Kent
Royal Animals
Ellinor Gray, Curatorial Intern (Decorative Arts), Royal Collection Trust
Animal domestication and the human-animal difference in Buffon’s Natural History
Dario Galvao, PhD student in Philosophy, University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and University of Sao Paulo
15.00 – 15.30: Break
15.30 – 17.00: Panel Two: Modern histories
What Can Merino Sheep Tell About the Ottoman Empire? Breed, Infrastructure, and Local Markets in the Balkans and Western Anatolia, 1800–1850
Anil Askin (Anıl Aşkın), PhD Student, Department of History, Brown University
‘the creatures He made’: Animal Welfare in Salvation Army Literature, c. 1890–1930
Flore Janssen, Salvation Army International Heritage Centre
‘Desperate Diseases Require Desperate Remedies’: intercommunity cooperation and the interwar investigation of inherited deafness in Bull Terriers
Alison Skipper, PhD student, Kings’ College London
Animal Histories in the Dead of Night
Andy Flack, Lecturer in Modern and Environmental History, University of Bristol
17.00 – 17.15: Break
17.15 – 18.00: Keynote
Edward Jenner’s zoological perspective: A new history of vaccination
Abigail Woods, Pro-Vice Chancellor and Head of the College of Arts, University of Lincoln
18.00 – 19.00: Animal History Forum
Online registration:
Delegate packs and meeting links will be sent directly to all registered attendees a few days before the event.
Animal History Group Website: