Senior Research Fellow and Research Assistant in Rural Enterprise Innovation (University of Gloucestershire)
RHN 66/2020 | Opportunity
RHN 66/2020 | Opportunity
Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI), University of Gloucestershire, Francis Close Hall Campus, Cheltenham, UK
Closing date for applications: 8 June 2020
Senior Research Fellow in Rural Enterprise Innovation (National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise NICRE), 1.0 FTE, Fixed Term for 3 Years
The Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI) (, is the largest specialist rural research centre in the UK, having expertise in all aspects of research in policy and planning for the countryside and the environment. The CCRI at the University of Gloucestershire is looking to appoint a Senior Research Fellow to take a leading role in the new ‘National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise’ (NICRE), managed jointly with Newcastle University’s Centre for Rural Economy and Warwick University’s Enterprise Research Centre. In Gloucestershire, NICRE will be led by a CCRI research and outreach team based at the University of Gloucestershire and the Royal Agricultural University. NICRE has been awarded full funding for its first 3 years from Research England, with ambitions to self-support and expand across the UK beyond 2023.
This post offers a great opportunity for career development, taking on responsibility for managing NICRE within the CCRI: developing research, supporting and stimulating innovative demonstration projects and initiatives, and harnessing knowledge to enhance policy and practice in rural enterprise. Initiatives will include a wide spectrum embracing social and institutional as well as technical and economic innovation, with a focus on resilience and meeting the ‘grand challenges’ of the UK’s Industrial Strategy. Research and demonstration activities will embrace a range of rural challenges and opportunities, and partners will include commercial as well as social enterprises and support networks. In line with the CCRI’s particular expertise in sustainability and co-innovation, we are keen to recruit someone with experience in one or more of these fields.
Closing date: Monday 8 June 2020
Interview Date: Monday 22/Tuesday 23 June 2020
More information and application form…
Research Assistant in Rural Economy (National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise NICRE), 1.0 FTE,
Fixed Term for 3 Years
The Countryside and Community Research Institute (CCRI) (, is the largest specialist rural research centre in the UK, having expertise in all aspects of research in policy and planning for the countryside and the environment. The CCRI at the University of Gloucestershire is looking to appoint a Research Assistant to provide a core support role in the new ‘National Innovation Centre for Rural Enterprise’ (NICRE), managed jointly with Newcastle University’s Centre for Rural Economy and Warwick University’s Enterprise Research Centre. In Gloucestershire, NICRE will be led by a CCRI research and outreach team based at the University of Gloucestershire and the Royal Agricultural University. NICRE has been awarded full funding from Research England for its initial phase, 2020-2023.
This post offers a great opportunity for early career development, undertaking quantitative and qualitative research on rural enterprise, supporting demonstration projects and initiatives, and gathering knowledge to enhance policy and practice. It will embrace social and institutional as well as technical and economic innovation, with a focus on boosting business resilience and meeting the ‘grand challenges’ of the UK’s Industrial Strategy. Research and demonstration activities will embrace rural challenges and opportunities, and partners will include commercial as well as social enterprises and support networks. In line with the CCRI’s expertise in sustainability and co-innovation, we are keen to recruit someone with a particular interest in one or more of these fields.
Closing date: Monday 8 June 2020
Interview Date: Monday 22/Tuesday 23 June 2020
More information and application form…