The Participative Village. Governing Rural Everyday Worlds in Times of the New Rural Paradigm
RHN 96/2020 | Event
Organisers: Ove Sutter, Sina Wohlgemuth, Oliver Müller, Elizabeth Stauß, Jana Brass (Department of Cultural Anthropology at University of Bonn)
8–10 October 2020, Online Conference
Das partizipierende Dorf. Ländliche Alltagswelten in Zeiten des Neuen Ländlichen Paradigmas
Online-Konferenz des DFG-Projektes „Partizipative Entwicklung ländlicher Regionen. Alltagskulturelle Aushandlungen des LEADER-Programms der Europäischen Union“ und der dgv-Kommission „Kulturanalyse des Ländlichen“
The Participative Village. Governing Rural Everyday Worlds in Times of the New Rural Paradigm
Online conference of the research project “Participative Development of Rural Regions. Everyday Cultural Negotiations of the European Union’s LEADER Programme“ (funded by the German Research Foundation) and the dgv section “Cultural Analysis of the Rural”
Thursday, 08 October
Conference Opening and Keynote talk by Keith Halfacree (Swansea University, Wales)
The rural: In an era of global mobilities … and in localised viral moments
Friday, 09 October
Participative development of rural regions – Lessons from three LEADER regions inNorth Rhine-Westphalia
Ove Sutter, Sina Wohlgemuth & Oliver Müller (University of Bonn, Germany)
Participatory Governance in Rural Areas
Michael Schönhuth (University of Trier, Germany)
Participatory paradigm, agency and governance in rural development – Lessons from research in the Global South
Letizia Bindi & Angelo Belligiano (University of Molise, Italy)
Memory of the past and “structural nostalgia”. Participatory processes to inlands’ territorialregeneration and their discontents
Marija Roglić (University of Montpellier, France)
The antenarrative of sensemaking: Building participation via LEADER
Manuel Trummer (University of Regensburg, Germany)
“Everybody pitch in!” Village participation and media(tised) Governance
Lunch break
Emerging Arenas, Practices and Communities
Melissa Niewind (HAWK Hildesheim, Germany)
Village moderation from a relational perspective – Empirical results on the impact at the example of villages in South Lower Saxony
Anja Decker & Susanne Bischof (Czech Academy of Sciences Prague & Thünen Institute of Rural Studies Brunswick, Germany)
Negotiating responsibility for rural communities and rural people: Narratives and ideals in two re_industrialised rural regions in Czechia and eastern Germany
Florian Dünckmann & Jens Reda (University of Kiel, Germany)
Initiating, organising, helping – Practices of civic engagement as joint commitments
Resistant Ruralities
Alexandra Ludewig (University of Western Australia)
From local protest to global activism. Protesting villagers in and around the Hambacher Forest
Agata Stanisz (University of Poznan, Poland)
New activism, involvement and social protests in the Polish countryside. The case of Rogoźno commune
Oliwia Murawska (University of Mainz, Germany)
A lake raises its voice. On the negotiation of an ecological crisis in a Kashubian village
Keynote talk by Bettina Bock (Wageningen University, the Netherlands)
The relational dynamics of rural development – From top-down or bottom-up to shared responsibilities
Saturday, 10 October
Transformationen des Dörflichen | Transformations of Village-ness
Corinne Geering (University of Leipzig, Germany)
Manufacturing the modern village: Regional development and manual labour before the New Rural Paradigm
Werner Nell (Queen’s University, Canada)
Zwischen Kommunalität, Obrigkeit und öffentlicher Meinung. Aktuelle Anschlussmöglichkeiten an Formen der Gestaltung und Legitimation von Recht in Dorfgeschichten des 19. Jahrhunderts
Between communality, authority and public opinion. Current connections to forms of shaping and legitimising law in village histories of the 19th century”
Anja Schmid-Engbrodt & Judith Schmidt (Institute for Regional Studies and History Bonn, Germany)
Wem gehört das Dorf? Der Umsiedlungsort Keyenberg als Aushandlungsarena
Whose village is it? The Keyenberg resettlement site as an arena of negotiation
Kulturelle Politiken des Ländlichen | Cultural Policies of the Rural
Claudia Neu & Ljubica Nikolic (University of Göttingen, Germany)
Soziale Orte – Analoge Ankerpunkte für Kommunikation, Kooperation und Kultur im ländlichen Raum
Social places – Analogue anchor points for communication, cooperation and culture in rural areas
Maria Rammelmeier (University Hannover, Germany)
Regionalmanager*innen als neue Akteur*innen der partizipativen Governance – Eine Analyse kultureller Netzwerke in dünn besiedelten, ländlichen Räumen"
Regional managers as new actors of participatory governance – An analysis of cultural networks in sparselypopulated rural areas
Karin Bürkert (University of Tübingen, Germany)
Dialog um Kunst und Kultur in ländlichen Räumen – Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Perspektive auf einen kulturpolitischen Steuerungsprozess
Dialogue on art and culture in rural areas – A cultural studies perspective on a cultural policy governance process
Meeting of the dgv section “Cultural Analysis of the Rural”
Conference Website: