Mountain “global”. A comparative history of natural sciences about mountains, 16th to 20th centuries
RHN 104/2020 | Event
Organiser: Simona Boscani Leoni (University of Lausanne and University of Bern)
3–4 September 2020, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Colloque international de l’Association Internationale pour l’Histoire des Alpes (AIHA) / International conference of the International Association for Alpine History (IAAH)
Montagne « globale ». Une histoire comparative de la recherche naturaliste en territoires de montagne, XVI-XX siècles /
Mountain “global”. A comparative history of natural sciences about mountains
Since the Renaissance, research on the indigenous nature in mountain regions has experienced a major boom. After the discovery of America, the Spanish crown started to claim “relaciones” (reports) from sailors, as well as from local officials, to gather information about the nature and people of the newly discovered territories. During the 18th and 19th centuries, the Andes, the Alps and the Himalayas were once more a central focus of natural research, as the travels to the Alps by Horace-Bénédict de Saussure (1740–1799), the Chimborazo expedition by Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859), or the journey of the Jesuit Ippolito Desideri (1684–1733) to Tibet prove.
The case studies of the conference IAAH 2020 focus on the natural history research in mountain regions from 16th to 20th century, with a comparative approach, emphasizing the role of the actors, their practices, the circulation of objects and knowledge.
Jeudi, 3 septembre 2020/Thursday, 3th of September 2020
10:45-11:10, Welcome desk
11:10-11:30, Bienvenue et introduction / Welcome and introduction,
Simona Boscani Leoni (Univ. Lausanne/Univ. Bern)
Panel 1: Histoire naturelle et environnement dans les montagnes européennes: les Alpes à la Renaissance/Natural history and environment in European mountain areas: the Alps during the Renaissance
Chair: Karine Crousaz (Univ. Lausanne)
11:30-11.50, Conrad Gessner und die Entmythologisierung der Alpen,
Urs Leu (ZB Zürich)
11:50-12:10, 2434 m – die Besteigung der Südtiroler Laugenspitze durch Regina Brandis und Katharina Botsch-Zwingenberg am 24. August 1552,
Hannes Obermair (Univ. Innsbruck)
12:10-12:30, Das kalte Element in der Kleinen Eiszeit. Eidgenössisch-bündnerische Schnee-, Gletscher- und Lawinenforschung im späten 16. Jahrhundert,
Florian Hitz (ikg, Chur)
12:30-13:00, Discussion
13:00-14:00, Lunch
Panel 2: Silviculture et géologie dans les montagnes européennes, XVIIIe-XIXe siècles/Forestry and geology in European mountain areas, 18th-19th centuries
Chair: Emmanuel Reynard (Univ. Lausanne)
14:00-14.20, Selvicoltura e pratica forestale nell’area alpina orientale (secoli XVIII-XIX): la circolazione dei saperi,
Giacomo Bonan (Univ. Bologna), Claudio Lorenzini (Univ. Udine)
14:20-14:40, From the Mont Cenis to the Mount Vesuvius and back again,
Corinna Guerra (Univ. Bari)
14:40-15:00, Geological riddles: the origins of geotourism in the Dolomite Mountains,
William Bainbridge (University of Hertfordshire)
15:00-15.30, Discussion
15:30-16:00, Pause café/Coffee break
Panel 3: Nature, botanique, zoologie et sources d’eaux minérales dans les Alpes, XVIIIe-XXe siècles/Nature, botany, zoology and mineral water springs in the Alps, 18th-20th centuries
Chair: Iago Otero (Univ. Lausanne)
16:00-16:20, Les acteurs locaux de la recherche botanique en Valais au 18e siècle,
Madline Favre (Univ. Lausanne)
16:20-16:40, Mineralquellen – Bodenschätze aus den Bündner Bergen. Die Intensivierung der Erforschung der Quellwässer im 19. Jahrhundert,
Karin Fuchs (ikg, Chur)
16:40-17:00, Researching in the Italian Alps: zoologists of the University of Turin and natural sciences in the 19th century mountains,
Carlo Bovolo (Univ. Piemonte Orientale, Vercelli)
17:00-17:20, Explorations into the Dinaric Alps. A comparative periodization of natural history studies in the Austro-Hungarian Southeast provinces, 1815-1914,
Brigitte Fuchs (Univ. Wien)
17:20-18:00, Discussion
18:45-19:30, Séance du comité AIHA, Assemblée générale AIH/Committee meeting IAAH, General assembly IAAH
20:00, Souper/Dinner
Vendredi, 4 septembre 2020/Friday, 4th of September 2020
Panel 4: Sciences naturelles et montagnes en Asie, XIXe-XXe siècles/Natural science and mountains in Asia, 19th-20th centuries
Chair: Sandro Guzzi-Heeb (Univ. Lausanne)
9:00-9:20, Natural science researches in the western Himalayas in the nineteenth century CE,
Himani Upadhyaya (Ashoka Univ.)
9:20-9:40, Drawing a natural frontier in the Pamir mountains: the Griesbach geological mission and the colonial demarcation of Afghanistan’s frontiers,
Francesca Fuoli (Univ. Bern)
9:40-10:00, Imposing the global: the Himalaya as a high-mountain ‘type’,
Lachlan Fleetwood (Univ. Cambridge)
10:00-10:30, Discussion
10:30-11:00, Pause café/Coffee break
Panel 5: Sciences naturelles et montagnes aux Amériques, XVIIe-XIXe siècles/Natural science and mountains in the Americas, 17th-19th centuries
Chair: Alexandre Elsig (EPFL, Lausanne)
11:00-11:20, La Historica Relación del Reyno de Chile (1646) de Alonso de Ovalle,
Stefano R. Torres (Univ. Lausanne)
11:20-11:40, The Appalachian Mountains and the Philosophical Societies: The hearth of North American scientific inquiry,
Barry L. Stiefel (Univ. Charleston)
11:40-12:00, Discussion
12:00-13:00, Lunch
Panel 6: Sciences naturelles et montagnes aux Amériques, XVIIe-XIXe siècles/Natural science and mountains in the Americas, 17th-19th centuries
Chair: Francesca Fuoli (Univ. Bern)
13:00-13:20, Luis Née’s botanical survey across southern Andes (1794),
Paulo Antonio Zappia (Bern/Brasilia)
13:20-13:40, Edward Whymper and Chimborazo: scientist authority and ‘the art of mountaineering’ (1880-1892),
Patricio Javier Aguirre Negrete (Univ. Andina S. Bolivar)
13:40-14:00, Discussion
Panel 7: Perspectives comparées/Comparative perspectives
Chair: Jon Mathieu (Univ. Luzern)
14:00-14:20, Des plantes « utiles » des Alpes aux Andes. Les enjeux d’une centralisation de l’expertise sur les productions végétales des montagnes dans le royaume de France au XVIIIe siècle,
Émilie-Anne Pepy (Univ. Savoie, Chambéry)
14:20-14:40, Altitudes et santé au XIXe siècle. La circulation des savoirs de l’Himalaya aux hauts plateaux de l’Amérique latine en passant par les Alpes
Daniela Vaj (IHM, CHUV/Univ. Lausanne)
14:40-15:00, La nature redécouverte: les scientifiques marcheurs dans les Alpes, de Horace-Bénédict de Saussure à Antoine de Baecque
Anne-Marie Granet-Abisset (Univ. Grenoble-Alpes)
15:00-15:30, Discussion
15:30-15:45, Conclusion/Wrap up,
Simona Boscani Leoni (Univ. Lausanne/Univ. Bern)
Contact details:
Prof. Dr. Simona Boscani Leoni
Historisches Institut
Universität Bern
Länggassstrasse 49
CH - 3012 Bern
Büro: Unitobler, Raum D114
Tel.: +41 (0)31 631 5095
Fax: +41 (0)31 631 4410
Sources: H-Soz-Kult and