From Cooperativism to Commoning. Historical and Contemporary Forms of the Institutions of the Common
RHN 141/2020 | Event
Organisers: Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw & Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Polish Academy of Science
19–20 November 2020, Online Event
International Conference
From Cooperativism to Commoning.
Historical and Contemporary Forms of the Institutions of the Common
The conference will be held on the Zoom platform. Please register on After registering, you will receive a link to reach the event.
Day 1
9.00–9.30 Introduction
Dr. Aleksandra Bilewicz (Institute of Rural and Agricultural Development, Polish Academy of Sciences)
Dr. Bartłomiej Błesznowski (Institute of Applied Social Sciences, University of Warsaw)
9.30–11.00 Main Session
Towards the Regime of the Common
Chair: Dr. Mikołaj Ratajczak (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
Dr. Michał Pospiszyl (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
Symbiosis or Cooperation? On the Origin of Communism
Dr. Łukasz Moll (University of Wrocław, Poland)
Commoning as the New Philosophy of Praxis. Between Flâneurs and Glaneuse
Dr. Cezary Rudnicki (Independent Scholar)
The Cooperative Theory of Alliance
11.00–11.15 BREAK
11.15–12.45 Parallel Sessions
Cooperation and the Birth of Social Sciences
Chair: Dr. Bartłomiej Błesznowski
Prof. Dr. Dieter Haselbach (Zentrum für Kulturforschung, Germany)
Is there anything to learn from sociologist’s engagement for the co-operative movement of the interwar period in Germany?
Prof. Anne Kwaschik (Universitaet Konstanz,Germany)
Society as Experiment: Social Epistemology, Cooperative and Communal Practices in the Early 19th Century
Shaun Pitt (Northumbria University, Great Britain)
Anarcho-communism, New Liberalism and British Social Science networks
Historical and Contemporary Forms of Cooperation on Rural Areas
Chair: Dr. Aleksandra Bilewicz
Dr. Heiner Grunert (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany)
Collective rural ideas for future societies. Examples from Poland and Yugoslavia in interwar Europe
Dr. Ilona Matysiak (The Maria Grzegorzewska University, Poland)
Elderly people as organizers of care provision in rural areas: examples of care cooperatives in the Netherlands and the Village Movement in the U.S.
Dr. Ruta Śpiewak (Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland)
Alternative Food Networks as a Space of Food Citizenship
12:45–14.15 Lunch and Networking Break
14:15–15.15 Keynote Speech
Dr. Marcelo Vieta (Ontario Institute for Studies on Education, Canada)
Workers’ Self-Management in Argentina. Contesting Neo-Liberalism by Occupying Companies, Creating Cooperatives, and Recuperating Autogestión
15.15–15.30 BREAK
15.30–17.00 Parallel Sessions
The Commons in the Face of Ecological Crisis
Chair: Aleksandra Gołdys (KIC-Climate, Poland)
Eduardo Erazo Acosta (Universidad de Nariño, Colombia)
The power of the ancestral philosophy of Alli kawsay (Buen Vivir) in the indigenous movements of Colombia
Jakub Crcha (Slovakia)
A return to the Commons: a potential critique from planetary perspective
Shachi Mokashi (Central European University, Austria)
Commoning and the Protection of Nature: A Critical Intervention
Social History of Cooperative Institutions (I)
Chair: Filip Leszczyński (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland)
Samuel Boscarello (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa, Italy)
Entrepreneurs of social conflict: cooperators and revolt leaders in the Italian crisis (1893-1894)
Prof. Zofia Chyra-Rolicz (Siedlce University of Natural Sciences and Humanities, Poland)
The role of co-operative leaders in establishing social community
Leo Marić (University of Zagreb, Croatia)
Between Autonomy and State Control: Cooperative Ideas in Croatia in Interwar Period and the Second World War
Day 2
9.00–10.30 Parallel Sessions
The Commons in the Face of COVID 19 Pandemia
Chair: Dr. Bartłomiej Błesznowski
Dr. Claudia Firth (Birkbeck, University of London, Great Britain)
Covid-19 Mutual Aid and the Contribution Economy
Dr. Dionysios Skliris (National and Capodistrian University of Athens, Greece)
The struggle between eco-fascism and ecommunism in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
Dr. Doron Timor (Tel Aviv University and "Yad Tabenkin" Institute, Israel)
"Community? Now, more than ever" – Intentional communities and the challenge of corona virus
Social History of Cooperative Institutions (II)
Chair: Dr. Aleksandra Bilewicz
Prof. Patrizia Batillani (University of Bologna, Italy)
Commons and commoning: the experience of the Italian cooperative enterprises at the turn of the millennium
Dr. Torsten Lorenz (Free University Berlin, Germany)
Cooperatives and civil society. Historical evidence from Central and Eastern Europe (ca. 1850-1940)
Prof. Sorin Radu (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania)
Cooperatives in Interwar Romania. Agrarianism and Cooperative Economic Models
10.30–10.45 BREAK
10.45–12.45 Parallel Sessions
Feminist Institutions of the Commons
Chair: Dr. Ewa Alicja Majewska (Academy of Art in Szczecin, Poland)
Dr. Zofia Łapniewska (Jagiellonian University, Poland), Prof. Monika Kostera (Jagiellonian University, Poland)
The Visible Hand and women's involvement in managing for the common good
Tereza Stejskalowa (Prague Film Institute, Czech Republic), Anna Remesova (, Czech Republic)
Feminist Museum in 21st Century
Dr. Paweł Sztabrowski (Powszechny Theatre, Warsaw, and Aleksander Zelwerowicz Theatre Academy in Warsaw, Poland)
Theatre as a Parallel Polis
The Variety of the Contemporary Cooperative
Chair: Wojciech Mejor (“Dobrze” Cooperative)
Sarah Holzgreve (Independent Scholar and GETIDOS Fellow, Germany)
Commoning and utopia in the intentional community of Alt Ungnade. Germany, and their meaning for socio-ecological transformation
Dr. Andrzej Klimczuk (SGH Warsaw School of Economics, Poland)
Creative Ageing Policy and Future-Oriented Institutions: Combining Silver, Creative, and Social Economies
Magdalena Kondas (University of Warsaw, Poland)
Cooperatives in the development aid discourse
Maria-Daniela Pomohaci (University of Goettingen, Germany), Praveen Verma (Department of History, University of Delhi)
Workers’ Initiative: From Community Kitchen to Workers’ Cooperative
12:45–14.15 Lunch and Networking Break
14:15–15.45 Main Session
Economy, Technology, Mutual Aid
Chair: Dr. Cezary Rudnicki (Independent Scholar)
Dr. Marco Migliorelli (Sorbonne Business Schools, France)
From Cooperativism to Commoning? Some reflections on the case of European Cooperative Banks
Prof. Aleksandra Przegalińska and Prof. Dariusz Jemielniak (Koźminski University, Poland)
The incoming collaborative society
Jan Zygmuntowski (Koźminski University, Poland)
Data commons stewardship: Embedding common good in data governance
15.45–16.00 BREAK
16.00–17.00 Concluding Remarks – Panel Discussion
Aleksandra Gołdys, Prof. Dr. Dieter Haselbach, Prof. Dr. Anne Kwaschik