Agricultural History 94, 4 (Fall 2020)

  • 2020-11-13T13:09:00+01:00

RHN 142/2020 | Publication

Agricultural History, Fall 2020, 94:4


Table of Contents:

Call and Response

Putting Agricultural History to Work: Global Action Today from a Communal Past
Jonathan Dekel-Chen


Farmers or Fisherman? Imagining Agrarian Pathways to Immigrant Inclusion in Dekel-Chen’s “Putting Agricultural History to Work”
Ben Nobbs-Thiessen

The Stuff of Dreams
R. Douglas Hurt

Jewish Agrarianization: Past and Present
Nahum Karlinski

Jonathan Dekel-Chen


The Myth of Cuban Tobacco: Pinar Del Río and the Rise of Plantation Production during the Nineteenth Century
William A. Morgan

“Much Suffering Among Mexicans”: Migrant Workers in Idaho and the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1917–1921
Matthew C. Godfrey

“The Single Most Important Factor”: Fossil Fuel Energy, Groundwater, and Irrigation on the High Plains, 1955–1985
Andrew Watson

Featured Review

How Coffee Tied Together Tarrazú, Costa Rica, and New Jersey, a review of Carmen Kordick, The Saints of Progress: A History of Coffee, Migration, and Costa Rican National Identity
Steven Topik


Full table of contents, abstracts, and links to open access articles:

The entire issue can be accessed on JSTOR.