From Passive Livestock to Untamed Beings: Reanimating Animals in the History of Technology
RHN 28/2024 | Event
Organisers: Division of History of Technology at TU Berlin
21–22 March 2024, Technische Universität Berlin, 10623 Berlin, Germany
From Passive Livestock to Untamed Beings: Reanimating Animals in the History of Technology
The two-day historical workshop seeks to explore the role of animals in technological change from a variety of disciplinary angles.
How should studies that analyze the historical relationship between animals and technology incorporate more-than-human perspectives and multispecies approaches that have been established in Science and Technology Studies and Human Animal Studies? What can the history of technology contribute to the methodological and theoretical basis of studies of animals and technology in other disciplines? Which stories about animals and technology do we wish to write in the Anthropocene? The workshop seeks to investigate theoretical approaches and case studies in order to trace new perspectives on historical relations between animals and technology.
21st March 2024
12:00–12:30 Welcome and Introduction
Christian Zumbrägel (Berlin): Reanimating Animals in the History of Technology. A Conceptual Introduction
12:30–14:30 Panel I: Technologies between Animals and Humans
Chair: Dorothee Brantz (Berlin)
Sandra Jasper (Berlin) & Jonathan Prior (Cardiff): Animal Voices in the Archive
Vanessa Bateman (Maastricht): Just Passing Through. Mediating Migratory Birds at the Natural History Museum
Christoph Borbach (Siegen): Virtual Borders/Invisible Fences: Structuring Animal Territory with Sensor Technology within Agriculture
Coffee break
15:00–18:00 Panel II: Animals as Actors in Technological Landscapes
Chair: Frank Uekötter (Bochum)
Barbara Orland (Basel): False Hope in Technology? Urban Fish Breeding Initiatives since the middle of the 19th Century
Daniel Bowman (Stavanger): Petro-Pets: American Automobility and Animal Acceptance
Coffee break
Kate Stevens (Waikato): Chew-Points across Pacific Ports: Marine Borer and the Disruption of Colonial Infrastructure (Zoom)
Margot Lyautey (Hamburg) & Heinrich Hartmann (Hamburg): Threatened by Modernity. Tunisian Rural Development and Animal Resistance (1950s-1970s)
Coffee break
18:30–19:30 Keynote
Dolly Jørgensen (Stavanger): Building for Birds: Cohabitation, Design, and Nonhuman Users of Technology
20:00 Dinner
22nd March 2024
9:00–11:00 Panel III: Animals as Living Technologies
Chair: Christian Zumbrägel (Berlin)
Martin Kalb (Bridgewater): Sustaining Empire: Animal Dependencies in German Southwest Africa
Corinna Röver (Linköping/Berlin): (Beyond) Living Technologies: Animals in the European Arctic during World War II
Ruža Fotiadis (Berlin): On Donkey Trails into the Modern Age: Transport Animals and Technological Change in Southeast Europe, 19th-20th Century
Coffee break
11:30–14:00 Panel IV: Animals as Resources
Chair: Gisela Hürlimann (Dresden)
Chad Denton (Seoul): Bones for Industry: The Technological Transformation of Animal Remains into Resources in Nazi Germany
Beat Bächi (Zurich): The Dream of a Germ-Free Life: Specific Pathogen Free Pigs as Technoscientific Organisms
Coffee break
Tamar Novick (Berlin): Bovine Regimes: When Animals Become Technologies
Lucy Beech (Berlin): Film Screening “Flush” (2023)
14:00–14:30 Lunch & Concluding Discussion
Katharina Busch (TU Berlin, Fachgebiet Technikgeschichte)
More Information:
Source: H-Soz-Kult