Chonchol-Ferreira Article Prize of the Latin American Association of Rural History (ALAHR)

  • 2024-09-23T17:02:34+02:00

RHN 130/2024 | Opportunity

Organiser: Latin American Association of Rural History (ALAHR)

Deadline for submission: 15 December 2024


The Latin American Association of Rural History (ALAHR) will award the ‘Chonchol-Ferreira Prize’ to the best article submitted for publication in the journal Historia Agraria de América Latina (HAAL) that is based on innovative research relating to the broad theme of peasant struggles in Latin America and the Caribbean, and which was presented as a paper at the ALAHR Congress.

In this inaugural edition of the prize, the deadline to submit articles is 15 December 2025. Consequently, manuscripts derived from papers presented at both the First ALAHR Congress (held at El Colegio de México and CIESAS, Mexico City from 24 to 27 June 2024) and the Second ALAHR Congress (to be held at the School of History of the National University, Costa Rica from 23 to 27 November 2025) may participate. When submitting their manuscript to the journal, authors should indicate that they would like to be considered for the Chonchol-Ferreira Prize. The winning article will be selected by a jury comprising three specialists in Latin American rural history and the author will receive a certificate and prize of $250 (USD) in recognition of their work. The winning manuscript will be announced on 12 March 2026 on the ALAHR website.

To present an article submission to the journal HAAL, follow this link:

This prize is a tribute to Jacques Chonchol and María Edy Ferreira, a couple who were committed to the social and political struggles of Latin America. Jacques Chonchol, agronomist and academic, was one of the most important leaders of the Chilean Left and a key promoter of agrarian reform, first as vice-president of the Agricultural Development Institute (INDAP) during the government of Eduardo Frei Montalva (1964–1970), when the 1967 Law 16640 of Agrarian Reform was passed, and then as the first agriculture minister of the government of President Salvador Allende and Popular Unity (1970–1973). María Edy Ferreira was a Brazilian rural educator and sociologist who contributed actively to peasant education during the Chilean agrarian reform, being a member of the Institute for Training and Research in Agrarian Reform (ICIRA) and the National Reality Research Center (CEREN). She was also a researcher at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris and, between 1984 and 1993, carried out projects for United Nations organizations in her native Brazil. In Chile, she was a member of the Center for the Analysis of Public Policies at the University of Chile and of the Fundación Superación de la Pobreza (2006–2008).

